Sunday, 3 August 2014

30 for 30

The roaring 20s have come and gone. Now that I'm an adult, I figured I'd sit down and reflect on what I've learned in my last three decades on earth:

1)   Love your life before you find the love of your life. It wasn’t until I felt satisfied that my life was complete that I found someone else to really complete it with.

2)   Friends come in all shapes, sizes, types, ages…I used to think I could tell right off the bat that someone was the type of person I’d be friends with. It was judgmental, sometimes right but not without a lot of room for error. Common interests are a big part of friendship but sometimes differences with just enough similarities result in the best friendships. And age really is just a number—especially the older you get. I still forget sometimes that my closest friends were born before my parents even met, or are the same age or even younger than my ‘little’ sisters.

3)   Your body is more and less imperfect than you think. No, you’re not a fat blob. Yes, you should take better care of your body because one day all of that crashing and banging on the field, court, ice, etc. may lead to a jacked shoulder, stitches on your face and hip surgery. Thanks, life, for that lesson.

4)   Moments matter. Sometimes it just takes one moment for huge change to come crashing in. Value the moments with people you care about. Don’t waste moments on things, places, people you don’t care about. Sounds harsh but it’s something I learned and am still working on living.

5)   Gossip is useless, stupid and at times (most times), hurtful. I still do it. I die inside a little bit every time. Maybe I’ll improve on this by my 40th. I sure hope so. One day, I hope to be liberal with kind words and stingy with the filth. I could and should take a page out of my husband’s book on this one. He’s the best non-gossiper I know.

6)   Losing someone stings. Whether by death, dispute or distance, when someone leaves your life, it leaves a hole. Other people and time help fill the hole but it still sucks. Cherish people while they’re in your bubble. If you can, find ways to still connect with them when they’re gone.

7)   Music cures all. Breakups, new love, running, working, fuming, chilling—there’s a soundtrack for that. I constantly have a song in my head and have found I can turn to music to get through anything. Thank you music makers. You rock my world.

8)   You can do anything for 30 seconds. Even if it takes lots of 30 seconds. I think I started doing this when my roommate Jenette and I would go on these crazy 20-mile runs in the dead heat of an Idaho summer. When I felt like I was maxed out, I’d just start counting to 30—over and over—while singing the soundtrack of Now and Then in my head. I just used this technique at the dentist the other day. Works like a charm.

9)   Family is awesome. I realized this in my teens after getting dropped off at university. They’re crazy sometimes, sure, and as imperfect as I am but they’re mine. I’m theirs. Parents, siblings, step-families, COUSINS!, grandparents, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and now in-laws. Love them all. Couldn’t imagine a life without them and thankfully, don’t have to.

10)    If you cheat at Clue, you will get caught and it will lead to the biggest fight you’ve ever had with your cousin. Same thing goes in life. I really believe that honesty is the best policy. Cheaters never prosper—not in the end at least. Sometimes it’s hard to be honest and tempting to test the truth. Your conscience, relationships and well being will all be better off if honesty is the *only way to go. *There is a Santa clause

11)  Sports are awesome. A very wise woman once told me I shouldn’t waste my time with sports and would be better off without them. Well, sorry Grammie but I disagreed then and still do. Sports have given me memories, challenges, best friends, injuries, triumphs, defeats and ultimately, even my husband. I know there’s more to life than ‘playing a silly game’ but where else can you stretch yourself, help others, develop talents, entertain, be entertained AND work up a sweat? Thankfully, Grammie’s come around over the years.

12)  Be you. The version of your best self may get updates along the way and may regress at times. Sometimes, some years, you may be a better version of you than other years but be you. Try to improve on yourself but don’t try to cover up the warts and human frailties. Learn from them, love yourself in spite of them and stay true to who you are. I am awkwardly and bluntly honest, I am extremely competitive but more than winning, value fairness. I have faith and therefore, am faithful. I’m extremely loyal and care deeply about being the best at everything, especially the best wife, friend, daughter, teammate, sister, professional, etc. I also have a temper, struggle to commit to things for the fear that something more desirable will come up and I don’t like wasting time (even though I have developed a TV habit).

13)  Don’t make comparisons. I’ve wasted too much energy over the years thinking, man, I wish I looked like/acted like/sounded like someone else. Life would be so much better/easier/more fulfilling if only I was more like that person. Believe it or not, once upon a time, someone may have thought the same things about you. See #12. Be you. Realize that everyone has something they wished they could gain or get rid of. And if they don’t, well good on ‘em. Lastly, that picture you’re comparing yourself to is probably photoshopped. Whether literally altered electronically or skewed by your own perception. Everyone has flaws and struggles. Some are just more apparent than others.

14)   Every day is a new day but life is (hopefully) the collection of many of those days. Some days we’re rock stars, some days we’re couch potatoes and some days just suck. Try to be better today than you were yesterday but don’t beat yourself up if you’re not. We only get to where we’re going, one day at a time.

15)  Sunday naps are the best. So are lake days, big, juicy raspberries and tall, cold glasses of lemonade. I’m so grateful for all of them and much more. The simple things can just be so extraordinary.

16)  How to love. And how to have my heart broken. Maybe you can go through life and have one but not the other. From my experience though, you dive in and love and sometimes you get hurt. But man, it’s worth it. When it’s good, it’s good. When it crumbles, it hurts. But it helps you learn a lot about yourself, your coping skills and how much people around you love you and will rally to help you rise above the ashes.

17)   Consider the lilies. Sometimes I over think things. I can especially fret about a lot of things, including money. This is another work in progress but I’m learning to just trust that things will work out. Consider the lilies, how they grow. I’m sure they’re working their little hearts out to get bigger but they can’t control when and where the sun and rain comes from. But it comes.

18)  We get by with a little help from our friends. I said family is awesome and I have to include friends in the same breath. I love my friends. I count many of them as my family and feel so blessed to have them in my life. I just need to find more and better ways to show that.

19)   The grass can be green on both sides but if we’re just looking at the other side, that’s all we’ll see. Sometimes we just need to look around and see how awesome we’ve got it. It’s good to look ahead and set goals but when we look too far ahead, we might miss just how awesome things are on our side of the fence.

20)  It’s never too late to try something new. As a kid, I wanted to play ice hockey so badly. I thought I’d missed my window of opportunity and then I met some Curvy Canucks in my late 20s. I didn’t know how to skate and more importantly, how to stop on skates but now I do. I love playing hockey and am so glad I just tried it.

21)  Road rage is bad but I get my rage on all the time. I carpool with this amazing woman I work with. She is a very safe driver and it genuinely hurts her feelings when people honk at her or tailgate. I am working on it and really don’t want to hurt any sweet man or woman’s feelings because I’m a jerk.

22)  Manners matter. Please and thank you. Simple words that can open so many doors. The more you use them, the better you’ll feel so use please and thank yous at every meal. Really, every chance you get.

23)  Saying thank you goes a long way. See the above. It feels good to say thanks and feels great to receive gratitude. Again, just two words can make a world of difference, especially in your marriage. There are two other words that also go a long way. Not as easy to say but starts with I and ends with ‘m sorry.

24)  Sometimes (most times) the countryside trumps a crowd. I’ve gone to a lot of concerts. I’ve gone to Vegas multiple times. I think I’ve been to almost 300 professional hockey games in my life. There is a palpable buzz in all of those places but far and away, I’d rather be sitting next to a lake. Give me a guitar, a campfire, a paddle over bright lights and raucous energy any day. Nature is my sanctuary and I’ve been fortunate to live in some beautiful places.

25)  When you think you’re absolutely at your wit’s end, take one more step. Prayer has helped me a lot here. When I’ve felt like I’m at rock bottom and can’t find my way out, just keep on truckin’.

26)  If you can dream it, you can do it. If you’re willing to work for it, that is. I really believe that nothing is impossible. Not always easy but definitely possible.

27)  Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to be kind. There are times when I just want to fix stuff. I try to troubleshoot and offer advice but really all that person or situation needs is a little kindness. I love the saying “Don’t let a problem to be fixed become more important than a person to be loved.”

28)  Life is full of surprises so don’t get caught off guard when it throws a curve ball. Lean on your loved ones, trust in yourself and count to 30. As many times as it takes. And above all else, don’t forget to pray. I’m hopping up on my soapbox for these last few. There is tremendous power in prayer. I’ve lived it. I’ve seen it. I’ve been so blessed by it. I would not be where I am without sincere prayer in my life.

29)  Marry your best friend and life will be amazing. I wish it was that simple but it sure helps. I’ve seen a lot of marriages fall apart, including my own parents’. Maybe because of that, I have spent a lot of time dissecting what makes a relationship work and what makes one fall apart. In my whopping 4.5 years of marriage and 30 years of life, I’ve learned that it’s important to share—interests, time, love, service, hopes, fears, dreams—everything with your partner. It’s also important to say sorry quickly, mean it and accept your partner’s apology, quickly. Once it’s a bygone, by golly, let it be gone.

30)  You are loved. By friends, family, your husband, people you serve with, and most certainly, your Heavenly parents. I can look back at my life and see many times where I’ve felt so loved. I can also think of many times I’ve thought I was alone, only to see amazing miracles happen that show me I’m anything but alone.

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