Friday, 21 October 2011

Late nights, early mornings

I don't know how many Emerson Drive fans there are out there but one of their songs is often on repeat in my head...especially late at goes something like "I should be sleeping, 'stead of keeping these late hours I've been keeping".

And still, I don't let myself fall asleep until the clock's at least turned to tomorrow. I'm positive I'll regret not sleeping more now, when we have kids. I'll look back at these nights of opportunity and curse my foolishness. If only you could stock up on sleep. My early teens would have set me at least for my first year of University.

This week, there was a lot going on. There were three hockey games in five days, a concert I briefly worked at and a night of laundry and my favourite show, Criminal Minds. Thankfully I didn't have a hockey game to play in this week or else it really would have been a crazy week.

In the midst of the craziness, I did find time to dream. In my sleep too, no less. Twice this week I dreamed of some of my favourite people in the world (yes, I mean you and a few other people...). The first dream I was back in Rexburg, ID, and came across the apartment of real-life former roommates Kristy (Symes now), Lisa (Smith now) and Wendy (Plummer now) as well as a dear friend, Annamieke. Sterling and I somehow got separated and as I was wandering the streets to find him, I stumbled across their apartment.

I just remember feeling so happy to see them. I knew a lot had changed but at the core, we were still dear friends. At some point there was also a yellow lab cameo in my dream, which made it that much cooler.

I essentially dreamed of the same 'cast' of characters (yellow lab included) the following night and again awoke with a sense of nostalgia and great love and appreciation for the amazing friends I've been blessed with in my life. I don't know what those back-to-back dreams mean, if anything. Probably that I miss my friends and should see them soon. I'll buy that.

For now..sweet dreams. Hopefully that familiar crew comes for a visit again tonight. Until we meet again.

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